Sunday, 11 September 2016


Rosemarkie → Cromarty

ammonite.jpg Distance: 12.77 miles
Ascent: 321 metres
Duration: 4 hours 53 minutes

Uncovering the past
« Inverness | Nigg Ferry »

The first part of this walk – from Rosemarkie to Eathie – has to be one of the greatest coast-walks in the country. The beach is completely covered at high tide, so pick a day when you'll be able to complete the four or five mile stretch on a falling tide.

archaeology.jpgAbout forty-five minutes after setting out we came across an archaeological dig. Volunteers from the Rosemarkie Caves Project were finishing off a week excavating one of the many caves in the area. They'd dug down a good couple of metres, revealing the full extent of an old wall that once enclosed the mouth of the cave. What excited them most was the discovery of metal-working at one point of the cave.

Our peak excitement came a good distance further along the beach. We'd heard it was good for finding fossils, and one of the archaeologists pointed out the types of stone to be looking for. We picked up plenty of similar pebbles but uncovered nothing until Emma stopped to take a photograph of me. While I waited for her to rejoin me, my eyes fell to the beach at my feet and there – not a metre away – was the classical spiral shape of an ammonite fossil, face-up in the sand.

eathie-fishing-station.jpgFossil in pocket we continued, eventually leaving the beach by the steep zig-zag path through the pine woods above Eathie Fishing Station.

This path is said to have been constructed by Hugh Miller, who by all accounts was a remarkable man: stonemason, folklorist, reforming Christian, geologist. The house in Cromarty where he lived is now a museum, but unfortunately we didn't find out about him before we'd left so missed the opportunity to learn more.

cromarty-firth.jpgFrom Eathie we walked on the road through Navity to Cromarty Mains Farm, where we picked up the clifftop path towards McFarquhar's Cave. Instead of visiting the cave we turned north to round Gallows Hill, and picked up the descent into Cromarty from South Sutor.

Moments after arriving the bus to Inverness pulled in and we began our long journey back south. It was a fantastic weekend.

Notes for future walkers:

  • The path between Rosemarkie and Eathie is impassable at high tide; we set out five hours before a 1.8m low tide at Cromarty and had no trouble.
  • Don't lose faith approaching Ethie — you'll find the fishing station and path readily enough.
  • From the car park above Eathie Fishing Station (NH 768 635) we followed the minor road north-east past Navity and took the track on the right at NH 782 657 to Cromarty Mains Farm.
  • From Cromarty Mains Farm we took the track south-east signposted to McFarquhar's Cave. When we reached the band of trees at NH 797 657 we entered the field ahead and to the left and followed its left-hand edge to the stile at NH 803 659. It's also possible to reach this point by continuing along the band of trees to the bottom edge of the field before turning left.
  • The track from NH 803 659 to the car park on South Sutor at NH 808 671 isn't very well defined on the ground, but the general direction is easy enough to follow.
  • From the top of South Sutor a good network of footpaths head north, then west through the wooded slopes to Cromarty itself. We turned left at a junction at the bottom of a steep section, then took the right fork a little further on and that seemed to work. Follow your nose!
Posted by pab at 21:50 | Comments will be back one day. Please email me instead!

Saturday, 10 September 2016


Cromarty → Nigg Ferry

renfrew-rose.jpg Distance: 0.89 miles
Ascent: 2 metres
Duration: 9 hours 53 minutes

A promise of the future
« Rosemarkie | Hilton of Cadboll »

This very short "walk" is the reason we came back so soon. The smallest car ferry in the UK runs across the mouth of the Cromarty Firth, but since its season runs from July to September and it didn't run at all last year, we wanted to make the crossing now to save ourselves the extra 50 miles or so that circumnavigating the Firth would entail.

cromarty-harbour.jpgSo what are we missing? Rigs. Lots and lots of oil rigs. The Cromarty Firth provides a good deepwater shelter, so engineering firms have sprung up on its northern banks to service rigs that are towed in from the North Sea. I counted a dozen or so stretching back to the head of the firth. Apparently the low price of oil at the moment makes it an ideal time to catch up on maintenance work that was postponed when the price was high (and therefore it was sensible to keep the rigs on the well heads). Oil used to be the future. Looking at these tired, mammoth structures now, I'm not so sure.

Cromarty itself is a delightful town, with an old stone harbour. Two hundred years ago many Highlanders who had been cleared from their land used this as the embarkation point for ships taking them to a promised brighter future. Looking across the the Sutors of Cromarty – two tall hills on either side of the firth – it's hard to imagine a more dramatic departure point.

When the ferry docked at Nigg, we stepped off onto the slipway to end the "walk", then immediately re-boarded for the last sailing back. I wonder how may emigrants would've loved to have the opportunity to return as easily as we had when their long journey was over.

Posted by pab at 17:23 | Comments will be back one day. Please email me instead!


Inverness → Rosemarkie

Distance: 18.73 miles
Ascent: 466 metres
Duration: 6 hours 19 minutes

The Black Isle
« Nairn | Cromarty » from-kessock-bridge.jpg

Sometimes it's good to do something a little crazy, like travel 500 miles for a weekend of walking. And with the weather we've been having this past week it seems even more insane not to be outside.

The Black Isle is not an island. It's a peninsula sandwiched between two firths: Moray to the south and Cromarty to the north. The A9 Kessock Bridge not only took us onto the Black Isle but also took us across the Great Glen Fault. We're definitely in the far north now; we'll reach the other end of the fault in Fort William, in perhaps five years' time.

overgrown-fingerpost.jpgOccasional signposts reveal a recently developed "Black Isle Paths Network", but unfortunately it seems to have already fallen into disuse so route-finding has been more challenging than it ought to have been. One wrong turning resulted in us hopping a barbed wire fence to get out of a field, but I didn't move gracefully enough and tore my trouser leg.

On the other hand, it's been great to assert our right of responsible access. When we lost sight of one path we didn't think twice about crossing a field diagonally or climbing down through woodland. Suddenly the excellent public rights of way network in England and Wales seemed very restrictive.

chanonry.jpgOn the whole we had the route to ourselves, but that changed at Chanonry Point. Here the Moray Firth narrows between the Point and Fort George on the other side, and it's said to be the best place in the UK for spotting dolphins in the wild. We didn't see any, but we came across hundreds of binocular-wearing optimists peering out to sea.

By the time we'd reached Rosemarkie we were exhausted. (Following an overnight train with a twenty-mile walk tends to do that!) However the stunning scenery and the glorious sunshine more than compensated.

Notes for future walkers:

  • From the southbound bus stop on the north side of Kessock Bridge a track leads to the road end at Craigton (NH 661 482). From here an obvious sign points north-east to Kilmuir.
  • We lost track of the Kilmuir path in the woods, but ultimately found our way to Croft Downie and picked our way along the shoreline from there.
  • From St Mary's Church in Kilmuir (NH 676 501) we walked north-east and then, upon reaching an open field, headed diagonally north to its far corner. Immediately after leaving the field we zigzagged back left, then right to find a higher track to Taindore, whose access track led us to the road end at NH 676 513.
  • From the NH 676 513 we took an obvious north-west track which after bending left and right brough us to Craighowe Mains. Staying on the track we passed through the farmyard, bent right towards Sligo, then turned right (north-west) down a track just inside the woods.
  • After crossing the shallow ford at NH 665 523 we turned right (north) on a track that led to the shore. Before reaching the shore the track splits. We made the mistake of taking the left fork which resulted in the barbed wire fence/trouser encounter. The right should be fine.
  • The track along the shoreline past Bayhead was reasonable, but muddy.
  • Where the B9161 meets the A832 north of Munlochy a fingerpost points those looking for Avoch into a field. We couldn't find this route. Instead we followed the disused railway embankment, then cut up to the northern edge of Ord Hill. We descended the north-eastern edge of the woodland, picking up a track at NH 673 538. This track leads south-west, then curves back round to the east to pass Bay Farm and Ballone.em-embankment.jpg
  • From a car park at NH 687 534 we took a track into Wood Hill, and followed that around the coastal flank of the hill. Immediately upon leaving the woodland after Ormond Hill there's a path hidden in a gully back to the right, which provides access to a field that drops to meet the shore at NH 699 537.
  • Between Avoch and Fortrose we walked along the pavement-less A832, but didn't find the traffic to be particularly heavy. Those wanting to avoid the road would do well to investigate the disused railway a little further inland.
Posted by pab at 17:23 | Comments will be back one day. Please email me instead!