Monday, 15 August 2005


Airing the tent

[The tent airing upstairs]

Today's lesson: my tent is only marginally smaller than my house.

In my bedroom I've had to move all the furniture to one side so I can erect the inner; downstairs the lounge is now divided by the gently airing outer.

[The tent airing downstairs]

Fingers crossed I won't get up in a hurry in the night - the bed is now precariously close to the stairs.

The tent has been unused for two or three years. As to whether it's still waterproof, the latest forecasts suggest that won't be tested.

Posted by pab at 19:55 | Comments will be back later in the year. Please email me instead!


National holiday

I've been working recently with a team in Pune. I'm learning lots.

For example, today the team has the day off since it's a national holiday in India. I asked the UK-based co-ordinator what the event was. "Independence Day," he said, the corner of his mouth turning upwards briefly with the hint of a smile.

Well fair enough. It's a good thing to celebrate.

I'm left wondering about dependence, independence and co-dependence. I'm happy working with Posted by pab at 17:57 | Comments will be back later in the year. Please email me instead!