Saturday, 22 October 2005


Teeth come to the eyes

Shingle Street is one of my favourite places. A good storm moves the whole beach around so the river mouth, the shingle banks and the saltwater lagoons are constantly changing.

This walk starts at Shingle Street but heads inland to the village of Alderton before returning to the coastguards' cottages. Walking away from the sea is something I almost never do here.

[Teeth come to the Eyes - pill box]

Distance: 4.27 miles
Ascent: 113 metres
Duration: 1 hour 57 minutes

Walk 6: Shingle Street and Alderton

The highlight of the walk was stumbling across this World War II pill box. Teeth come to the eyes is part of a local art project - "if ever you're in the area - that pulls together defence from invasion with the present threat of coastal erosion through site-specific installations and poems.

I heard about the works when they were first installed but hadn't come across any until today. Sadly it's now too late to visit the most compelling. Lines of defence is now completely lost to the sea.

Posted by pab at 14:45 | Comments will be back later in the year. Please email me instead!