Monday, 29 November 2004


A spammy day

At seven o'clock this evening, an online casino started spamming the Year of Living Generously website. We've got it under control now, but dealing with this rubbish is annoying to say the least.

(Geeks might like to know the spam was sourced from a single computer, but came to us via a number of insecurely configured Windows computers. Not much of a surprise, huh?)

I have to wonder about the timing though. I've had a link to YOLG from my website - as others have - for some time now. But this weekend, we included a link to it from Greenbelt's email newsletter, Festival Dispatches. Is this just a coincidence or are website addresses being harvested from emails now?

I should have known the evening would work out like this. As I got in from work an anonymous robot called my home phone, congratulating me on winning a free trip to California. Is there no haven from spam?

Posted by pab at 20:36 | Comments will be back later in the year. Please email me instead!