Tuesday, 17 August 2004


Some kind of revolution

Every Greenbelt one event really captures my imagination. Last year it was The Polyphonic Spree. This year, it's a workshop that's so hot-off-the-press its time and location won't make it into the Festival Guide.

Here's the blurb:

Better TogetherSome kind of revolution starting with us

We can’t feel the difference when we act alone. But if we act together, as an intentional community, we might start to notice how powerful a force for good we can actually be.

An experiment, this is a first at Greenbelt – your chance to hear the stories of others who have changed and challenged things in the light of their festival experience and perhaps tell your own. And then talk about how we might translate this piecemeal activity into some sort of virtual community over the coming year. Not a cult, but low key, achievable, and fun stuff; Greenbelters – in different places, at different times, at different speeds – acting in solidarity to bring in another world, the Kingdom come.

Hear about how we plan to host a blog for this newly emerging community, so that we can continue to inspire each other with tales of our world-changing, death-defying activities – from switching to an ethical bank, to giving blood, to starting to compost, to improving what we give to charity, to reducing the amount we use the car, to going on a demo, to deciding never ever to buy from X or Y or Z again, and even to writing to tell the CEO about it.

What might seem like a small act on your own, when seen together with others can feel much more like defying the principalities and powers of this world. It’s our refusing to believe we can’t make a new world together!

Just the sound of trumpets brought a city wall down once.

So, keep your ears to the ground for the low-down about when and where this inaugural gathering will happen on site. We’ll do our best to get notices out and about, but if this sounds intriguing to you, then we know you’ll root it out.

See you there?

Posted by pab at 12:35 | Comments will be back later in the year. Please email me instead!