Thursday, 15 April 2004


Nearly forgot

[Polling station]

I've not been feeling on top of things of late. Nowhere is this more evident than in the fact that I almost forgot to vote today.

With turnout so low in the UK these days I'm all for compulsory voting. Well it somehow seems more appropriate than MP Idol.

Posted by pab at 21:03


Film: Open Range

[Open Range]

Empire's view was:

Costner, for one, is content to make 'em like they used to.

And it's true. Open Range has all you expect of a Western. Sweeping, epic landscapes; a saloon bar; a gun-fight; plenty of cud-chewing and unforgettable lines like "Let's go get our cows". All this, and a touch of 21st century sound and vision editing.

It's not quite grainy black-and-white and a twelve inch TV on a Sunday afternoon, but the spirit's the same.

Posted by pab at 20:12