Thursday, 8 April 2004


Chasing copper

[A 2004 tuppence]

I was handed my first 2004-minted coin this week. I think it's the earliest in the year I've seen a freshly minted coin. (Remember? It's the little things I notice.)

As a child I tried to collect a coin of each denomination minted in each year of my life. For years I searched in vain for the elusive 1972 tuppence before finally giving up. And now, surfing for facts about coins, I found out why it eluded me. No coppers were minted that year.

(I also found out about a ceremony that'll be happening some time today. How many Great British Traditions don't I know about? I guess at least the tourists lap it up.)

Update, 2320:
John Davies wrote to say he was at the ceremony today and has blogged about it.

Posted by pab at 08:11