Thursday, 2 October 2003


A Productive Day

[Coins]On Monday, a single penny appeared on a ledge in a stairwell at work. On Tuesday it was joined by a tuppence; yesterday a five pence piece continued the sequence. Call it an experiment; a game I've been playing anonymously with my collegues.

On Monday I placed the penny there, and each day since I've been adding another coin. I did the same last week. I wanted to know when temptation would be too hard to resist. The coins vanished on Tuesday last week: 3p. That's one very efficient cleaner, a diligent health and safety officer, or proof positive that pay is low.

I was surprised then, to find the coins still there today. I was more surprised still to find a shiny ten pence piece already nestling alongside them. Interference! Someone was hacking my experiment. Or were they experimenting on me?

These are the kind of things that help me through the day at the moment. It really is time I did something about that...

Posted by pab at 19:55